
[发布时间:2015-11-25 00:00:00] [访问量:]


张宁,男,19839月出生,山东泰安人,经济学博士、理论经济学博士后流动站博士后、副教授,现为江西财经大学江西省生态文明制度建设协同创新中心专职研究员,西南交通大学地球科学与环境工程学院兼职教授。在《世界经济》、《Energy Economics》、《Energy Policy》、《Applied Energy》、《Economic Modelling》、《Computational Economics》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review》、《Social science Journal》、《Human and Ecological Risk Assessment》等国内权威和SSCI/SCI期刊发表学术论文20余篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项,江西省博士后科研择优资助项目1项,江西省社会科学研究规划项目1项,江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目1项,出版学术著作3部。主要研究方向为能源与环境经济学、区域可持续发展理论与政策。


²  曾担任纽约州立大学与韩国可持续发展研究中心研究员,联合国气候变化框架公约第17次会议(COP17)韩国学术代表;

²  担任《Social Science Journal(SSCI)期刊副主编;

²  Technological Forecasting and Social Change(SSCI)期刊编委,近30个国际SSCI/SCI期刊同行评审专家。


²  2007年毕业于山东大学国际经济与贸易专业,获经济学学士学位;

²  2009年毕业于韩国仁荷大学国际贸易专业,获经济硕士学位;

²  2013年毕业于韩国仁荷大学国际贸易与可持续管理双专业,获经济学博士学位;

²  2014年江西财经大学鄱阳湖生态经济研究院理论经济学在站博士后。


[1] 国家自然科学基金项目(2014-2018年)《环境规制对区域经济可持续发展的影响规律与作用机理研究: 以鄱阳湖生态经济区为例》(项目编号:41461118);

[2] 55批中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2014年)《环境管制下全要素生产率研究:以鄱阳湖生态经济区为例》(项目编号:2014M551849 );

[3] 江西省哲学社会科学重点研究基地一般项目(2015年)《江西生态文明制度绩效评价与完善研究》(项目编号:15SKJD21);

[4] 江西省博士后科研择优资助项目(2014年)《鄱阳湖生态经济区环境管制的经济效应研究》;

[5] 江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目(2014年)《资源环境约束下全要素生产率增长研究:以鄱阳湖生态经济区为例》(项目编号:JJ1420);

[6] 江西财经大学优秀青年学术人才支持计划项目(2014年)《鄱阳湖生态经济区环境政策研究》。



[1] Zhang, N., Kong, F., Choi, Y. 2014. Measuring sustainability performance for China: A sequential generalized directional distance function approach. Economic Modelling, 41, 392C397 (SSCI)

[2] Zhang, N., Choi, Y. 2014. A note on the evolution of directional distance function and its development in energy and environmental studies 1997-2013. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 33. pp.50-59. (SCI)

[3] Zhang, N., Kong F., Choi Y., Zhou, P. 2014. The effect of size-control policy on unified energy and carbon efficiency for Chinese fossil fuel power plants. Energy Policy, 70, 193-200. (SSCI)

[4] Zhang, N., Kim JD. 2014. Measuring sustainability by Energy Efficiency Analysis for Korean Power Companies: A Sequential Slacks-Based Efficiency Measure. Sustainability, 6(3), 1414-1426. (SSCI)

[5] Zhang, N., Choi, Y. 2013. Total-factor carbon emission performance of fossil fuel power plants in China: A metafrontier non-radial Malmquist index analysis. Energy Economics, 40, 549-559. (SSCI)

[6] Zhang, N., Kong, F. Yu. Y. 2014. Measuring ecological total-factor energy efficiency incorporating regional heterogeneities in China. Ecological Indicators, futurecoming. (SCI)

[7] Zhang, N., Kong, F. Kung C. 2014. On modeling environmental production characteristics: A slacks-based measure for China's Poyang Lake Ecological Economics Zone. Computational Economics, futurecoming. (SSCI)

[8] Zhang, N., Xie H. 2014. Toward Green IT: Modeling Sustainable Production Characteristics for Chinese Electronic Information Industry, 1980-2012. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, futurecoming. (SSCI)

[9] Zhang, N., Choi, Y. 2013. Environmental energy efficiency of China's Regional Economies: A Non-oriented slacks-based measure approach. Social Science Journal, 50, 225-234. (SSCI)

[10] Zhang, N., Choi, Y. 2013. A comparative study of dynamic changes in CO2 emission performance of fossil fuel power plants in China and Korea. Energy Policy 62, 324-332. (SSCI)

[11] Zhang, N., Zhou, P., Choi, Y. 2013. Energy Efficiency, CO2 Emission Performance and Technology Gaps in Fossil Fuel Electricity Generation in Korea: A Meta-Frontier Non-Radial Directional Distance Function Analysis. Energy policy 56, 653-662. (SSCI)

[12] Zhang, N., Yu.Y. 2013. Marginal abatement cost of pollutants for China: A non-parametric approach. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy (SCI)  (furthercoming )

[13] Lee, M., Zhang, N. 2012 Technical efficiency, shadow price of carbon dioxide emissions, and substitutability for energy in the Chinese manufacturing industries. Energy Economics 34, 1492-1499. (SSCI)

[14] Choi,Y., Zhang,N., Zhou,P. 2012 Efficiency and abatement costs of energy-related CO2 emissions in China: A slacks-based efficiency measure. Applied Energy 98,198-208. (SCI)

[15] Chang, Y., Zhang, N., Dennis D. Environmental efficiency analysis of transportation system in China: A non-radial DEA approach. Energy policy 58, 277-283. (SSCI)

[16] Choi,Y., Zhang,N*.,Chen,S. 2013. Quantitative Ecological Risk Analysis by Evaluating China’s Eco-Efficiency and Its Determinants. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 19, 1324-1337. (SCI)

[17] Yu.Y., Choi, Y., Zhang, N*., 2013. Strategic corporate sustainability performance of Chinese state-owned listed firms: A meta-frontier generalized directional distance function approach. Social Science Journal, In press (SSCI)

[18] Choi.Y., Zhang,N*.2011. Assessing the sustainable performance of Chinese industrial sector. African Journal of business management 5, 5261-5269. (SSCI)

[19] Choi.Y., Zhang,N*.2011. Does proactive green logistics management improve business performance? A case of Chinese logistics enterprises. African Journal of business management 5, 7564-7570. (SSCI).

[20] Choi,Y., Zhang,N*.2013. Green Marketing, Green Supply Chain management, and Business Performance: An Empirical Evidence from China. Actual problems of economics 140, 427-437

[21] Zhang, N., Choi, Y. 2011. Carbon performance and potential carbon emissions reductions in China: A 3E-systemic analysis. Proceedings of ISCSTA 2011. (EI)

[22] Zhu,X., Zhang,N., Choi,Y 2011. Regional eco-efficiency and environmental risk analysis in China based on NUO-DEA Model. Computational Risk Management.4, 295-210. (EI)

[23] Choi.Y., Zhang,N*.2012. An empirical study on the energy efficiency and marginal abatement cost of the Chinese regional provinces. Journal of Intl. regional studies 16, 289-302.

[24] Choi.Y., Zhang,N*.2009. A Comparative study on the efficiency of Container Terminal in the Northeast Asia. Korea Logistics Review 19, 73-90.

[25] 何小钢,张宁.中国经济增长转型动力之谜:技术、效率还是要素成本.世界经济,2015,01:25-52.


[1] 张宁.R软件简明实战统计学(韩国语) .出版社:BOMYUNG BOOKS20128月;

[2]张宁.韩国缔结FTA的现状、经济效应及未来方向《韩国蓝皮书- 2012》,社会科学文献出版社,20125月;

[3] Zhang, N. Regional eco-efficiency and environmental risk analysis in China based on NUO-DEA Model. Modeling Risk Management for Resources and Environment in China, Springer, ISSN 978-3-642-18386-7


[1] 2013年仁荷大学最优秀毕业生校长金笔奖;

        [2] 2012年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金获得者,国家留学基金委颁发;

[3] 20119月代表仁荷大学参加韩国知识产业部绿色经济增长论文大赛获得第一名(韩国部长奖)

[4] 201111月参加知识产业部与韩国能源管理局举办的第6次气候变化论文大赛, 获得韩国优秀论文大奖,并获得韩国能源管理局理事长颁发优秀奖项;

[5] 获得韩国政府全额支持参加联合国德班气候峰会(COP17),并在展览会上介绍韩国低碳绿色经济增长;

[6] 201111月获得韩国SBS电视台“绿色与气候变化”节目的专门采访;

[7] 20122月获得仁荷大学最优秀论文奖;

[8] 20109-20136 获得仁荷大学全额国际奖学金与TA助教奖学金;

[9] 韩国仁荷大学 C++优秀编程程序员证书。

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