From June 10 to 14, Choi YongRok, Dean of the School of Global Governance, director of East Asia Environmental Research Center and chief professor (Economics) of Inha University, South Korea, was invited to our school for a one-week academic exchange. At 8:30 a.m. on June 14, the appointment ceremony of Visiting Professor was held in the No.1 meeting room of South comprehensive building. Vice president Wang Xiaoping issued an appointment letter to Professor Choi YongRok. Deputy director of international cooperation and exchange department Meijun Gong and all the teachers and students of the institute attended the ceremony. Focusing on the theme of Green Economic Growth, Professor Choi YongRok gave us 7 academic lectures called New Ideas on Climate Change Governance after 2020”, does South Korea's ETS Policy work?, Challenges of Asian Values and Asian model, How to Improve Environmental Efficiency? Three Characteristics of Good Governance”, “Transformation of Sustainable Scientific Paradigm”, and “What is a Good Paper? How to Write Good Papers” etc.Students and teachers and professor Choi conducted in-depth discussions on the cultural differences between east and west, the Asian model of sustainable development, environmental governance and sustainable development, the comparison of government management models between China and South Korea, and the applicability of difference-order pattern in a larger geographical area etc. This lecture series is another in-depth bilateral academic exchange after professor Choi visited our institute and signed the strategic cooperation agreement in December 2017, marking the institute’s another solid step forward the education internationalization.